The Heron uav System is an operational fourth generation long-endurance medium-altitude system based on leading-edge technology with new fully automatic take-off and landing features. It provides deep-penetration, wide-area, real-time intelligence to national agencies, theater commanders and lower echelons.
The Heron provides ample modular space up to 250 kg for customer furnished equipment, is interoperable with other MALAT UAV systems and has demonstrated 52 hours of continuous flight.
Although Hermes 450 has a 20-hour endurance and a ceiling of 18,000 ft, there is, according to Israeli Defence Force sources, still a necessity in future operations for UAVs which surpass both these specifications. Baring this in mind, both companies are also continuing to development medium altitude long endurance (MALE) UAVs. In an attempt to meet this future requirement, Elbit/Silver Arrow is working on its twin-engined Hermes 1500 and IAI/MALAT, the Heron 1.
雖然“赫爾墨斯”(Hermes)450有20個小時的續航力和18,000英尺的升限,這里是依照以色列國防軍的資料來源,仍然需要一種在未來操作的無人機,超越兩者這些技術條件。在目的上闡述,兩家公司也正在繼續發展中空、長航時(MALE)無人機(UAV)。為了要努力符合這個將來的需求,埃爾比特(Elbit)/銀箭的工作在它的雙發動機Hermes 1500上和以色列飛機工業公司(IAI)/馬拉特(Malat)在“蒼鷺”(Heron)1上。