Ataraina has unveiled a slew of new gadgets that will take the effort out of cleaning.
At CES in Las Vegas lately, the firm presented what it says is the ‘world’s first flying air cleaner,’ using a drone-based system to remove dust, pollen, and other harmful particles from inside your house.
Exhibitors demonstrated how the Flying Magic Cleaner would work inside of the home.
The air-cleaning drone generates an airflow as it flies, collecting particles that a vacuum would miss, the creators explain.
‘The fabric that goes around the drone has minus ions, which attracts pollutants and particles flying in the air,’ Lani Paderson told Dailymail.com.
拉尼 帕德森告訴每日郵報網站說:“無人機四周的一圈布料帶有負離子,能吸走空氣中漂浮的污染物和顆粒物。”
‘So when the drone takes off for flying, it actually collects particles in the air.’
They say this could also be useful outside of the home, to clean the air in school, hospitals, or other larger settings.
And, it could be a dream-come-true for people who suffer from allergies – it also removes pollen from the air.
The technology, however, requires an operator that’s skilled at controlling the drone.
When asked if it was capable of avoiding crashes with household objects or even people, the exhibitors explained that the responsibility is in the hands of the owner.